Sunday School

The Nepean Baptist Sunday School ministry seeks to build the faith of our little ones in the knowledge of the peace, joy, and love of Jesus Christ, with the full understanding of the importance of truly loving one another. Our classes explore the stories and teachings in the bible and how they apply to children’s daily lives. Every Sunday, during the church service we have classes for children 0-12 years. The children start in the sanctuary for praise and worship, announcements, and bible reading with their families. A prayer and blessing are said for the children before they go to their Sunday School class. Sunday School ends when the church service ends. Please make sure to register your child for Sunday School using this form. If you are visiting, parents and caregivers are requested to complete and submit this form before their child(ren) joins the class. The forms can be submitted via email to or printed out and dropped at the church. Additionally, you can ask for a copy of the forms from the Sunday School teachers at church.

Deuteronomy 11:19

You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.